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How to Auto Accept Friendship on Facebook

Here i am
wanna share How to  Auto Accept Friendship on Facebook
Auto Accept Friendship on Facebook is simple tips I want to share this time, because activities are so time-consuming offline leisure, I think these tips are very suitable for reference so that network relationships on social networks such as Facebook still can run properly. Especially for those of you who do use Facebook as a business medium, collected a lot of friendships is one of the objectives, strategies to boost your business populeritas more and more known.

How will I share here is fairly easy compared to other ways that require third parties that process can take place properly. In this case I have to inform you that the Auto Accept Friendship has its limits for all processes is only up to 50 people, but the good news is that if you find friendship request has exceeded the amount that I mentioned you can still do more than one times (1x) the process so no matter how much you wish to receive friends at the same time still be done in an automated way.

For how here can only be used in applications that Mozilla Firefox browser and Google Chrome, there is little difference in the execution of auto accept. For more details, simply follow the following way.
Auto Accept Friendship Facebook in Mozilla Firefox
1. Login Facebook
2. Go to page request friendship here:
3. On that page, hold down Ctrl + Shift + K (Mozilla Firefox) and then copy and paste the following code at page that opens, look at the code and figure below.

     javascript: for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0);

4. Once pasted Enter, see the results. Auto Accept ongoing - done.
Auto Accept Friendship Facebook in Google Chrome
For Google Chrome itself the same way as above, the difference is in the stage 3. Google Chrome to use F12 to put the JavaScript code above -> Console -> Paste code Enter! see the following figure.

As was I made above if there is a friend who exceed the maximum limit is 50 for 1x the process, you can still do more than 1x the process, by doing re-paste the code and Enter and so on. Such are the tricks and tips about Facebook that I can share today may benefit yours respectfully!!!

How to  Auto Accept Friendship on Facebook
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]").length;i++){document.getElementsByName("actions[accept]")[i].click();}void(0); 


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