Diabetic can affect several parts of the human body. There are causing someone to lose part of his body. But apparently diabetes affect almost every part of the body of the patient. The skin also becomes one of the targets. A person with diabetes should keep their skin better more. In general, people with diabetes regardless of the conditions of their skins. But, from now on you should be more concerned with the condition of your skin. Unlike other parts of the body, the skin most easily detected because you can easily observe. Diabetics prone to skin fungus or bacteria. If you notice skin diabetics difficult to recover when hurt. Actually, people who do not have diabetes can also under attack by the fungus or bacteria. However people who suffer from diabetes are more susceptible and have a very long healing time. Diabetic also can make the skin becomes very dry conditions. No wonder if the skin is more fragile and itching. Conditions cracked skin is put to good u...