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How To Android Apps To Guide, Create, Rotated

How To Android Apps To Guide, Create, Rotated - hello everyone I'm like the last name for my first entry tutorial in this tutorial I will teach you how to set up Eclipse to developing Android applications and in there for rent corals I'll teach you how to make your very first Internet application android app how to.

No programming skills needed I'll teach you everything so the first thing that you do is or open up in presser go to developer the entered a car then the car get EST now this SDK bunol or chrome with the development for eclipse EQ plugin your STD tools Android platform whose latest entered art form an elitist system image or the Android emulator this is a very handy portable. Because impair in the past you have to your you have to download so tool separately from apps and sometimes really didn't like you android app how to create.

How To Android Apps To Guide and Find

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How To Android Apps

there organ do is click download the SDK and choose your first your architecture agree to the book condition: download the SDK that's it I don't want you to eat the he 17 18 17 minutes ways to get done I will post record alright its govern android apps how to. android how to guide.

Now next thing that you gonna do you were yours aeropuerto your open up here merit basis workers indeed you burned all lenders x86 64 my sister Erica Werner your here rpgs go back to be okay you want to yes York. android phone how to use.

What your and art stuff instead we working copy which is our stock Cup are mini for me, very worst timing ever or are you back from happy hopefully that 0 best has been. It okay android phone lost how to find.

So well that's good let's it's just a you or red, so its dark now furstenberg a need to do. is you ish deaths after which majestic referred you so boys dust-up and it's great there are up our star up Rome who at that's pretty neat and arson suspect we take well over into space but workspace so arm America set mine to the ensure tutorial are all the time it before us workspace workspace its every
it contains everything that you do assure you that later are right and it's our now how to actualize android.

first then that you'll see is this page now. this has 122 or including tutorial on how to go to first up
is under her and test your over that's what I'm here for so russia's quicker or restore button %uh this is the packages for this show this is what is in your workspace. ok we open at work space your right now there's nothing but mud order it means that you haven't read any project. so the first thing that we're gonna do is create a brand new Android application rock name or application this is can in this case is going to be first how to an android app.

There we should name your package is the name your specific website backwards. so it weighs every every every night Google back arm a beater back Google at bbw vero are where. what I'm gonna do you is at risk and making an example website name it doesn't actually have to be your website name it could just be something like palm the hot bleak is awesome too hot anything else so wanna make it is are example to heart first and minimum required SDK from how to android apps.

If you generate if you wanna reached the maximum number authorized users said it too reporter
and the for the target SDK. At is which which version of Android do you want to use to make this application virtually standard for or 4.2 you. so confused the or female which hola dark is pretty neat looking how late is too a like hell white with dark actually or somebody that you gonna create custom art right and correct any mark in not mark the start project at the library otherwise it will not rock there how to android phone.

this is the next step we need your launcher I you can either choose from clipart look at all these options here that E it turns out great artery, or you can choose the default android image far or custom in the trial from your computer or just think it X for there or do is understood make this or so I think ok a look at this point in March report this is how to android phone rooted.

But additional heading at Schmidt's for RJR just like for safety purposes Richard arm that you can make the sheep both the outline no I'm square circle thats pretty self up in gonna make mine on a critical but so so and I with that said us arm Friday russia's great appoint activity. yes honestly the you done it already is all this it's all pretty fit and stuff how to android programming.

alright so this is the name for me that this is the thing that that runs first its generally OK if you name it mean activity unless you malt all on most all, a activities that you use it have me me functions so
but for RT activity that's going to be so that she could finish. so this is our and for small Leslie is how workers we don't work now what can we do week it well the answer to that question is pretty much anything you're. so what I'm is yummy is a program that solve the quadratic formula for you no this might be a little bit hard in which case skip to from be next tutorial this is our hearse application for
honest up so well I'm going to do on this application how to app android

show you all how to make ok so revocation you make taking over so, are artsy first thing that comes to mind is program that adds two numbers or more question numbers so we're going to with the whole world to start out with and from your know our so first we meet at is a layout and what it's called is the LinearLayout vertical MPs so click and drag how to be rooted on android.

On to hear should fill up inherit what this when he retires visits stacks all these little I'll widgets as they're called on on top of each other 48and makes really easy organization looks like crap but it's really easy or so once we have this many lay out here on the ER up got to form what gets and a tax E which basically show this text on the script so quick and direct right here 0 that's the issue so delete. that comer nearly out one looks like its predecessor rivers so there or going to do is set with and height

I'll this nearly Oct are right click on it took the lead out with to matchmaker and then do the same thing for her her no stand there are little left and he should have a pretty pretty neat lookin
whyy nearly 10 ho-ho-ho so robbery at that text you too early nearly a should just stop right there

let's get that we are going to edit the text, but she Android does not like anything that is not a string that basically imagine a strain with a bunch. I'll letter beads on it that's what we're gonna make you so we're going to make new street we're going to tight out the string or than the letters that we want it said right here so we're going to say Naughton her one ok this will be this will happen I D E that we can make it later 0 numb 1. but OK and you get work on number one okay and it should update say number one every girl no or gonna do is sign and I T to this text you.

we just can't call this the same as the string ID that we just which is known one so next thing you need to do is and a text box which is a place to put it text rate under the number one are text me so quick and text fields see this claim tax I the widget with a ABC inside a bit could write an under number one should step right here and that's pretty much good we're going to need to assign another ID to this thank you to this which it is well and we're gonna call this no I'm one text and the text that you can use s number let's just do cooking this entire thing so a text you right click EditText new string open number who the no you okayi'm too okay siren the ID this ok gnome to text field EC EditText sign assign and I T to this ad text and it's going to be no you text right now for 18 inch teamster which is placed in button actually does so we come to it but Greg I'm the way now
make this the tire size nothing here and right click on over here isn't edit any this is going to be your delicious the red how to code apps for android.


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