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The information is on the Internet so wonderfully abundant and diverse . From start writing , computer programs , databases , images , music , video , movie , etc. can be found on the Internet . Existing services on the Internet include :

    E - mail ( Electronic Mail ) is an Internet facility to send and receive letters electronically transmitted . With the e - mail we can send letters and almost no cost to destination in a matter of seconds , without being limited by the distance that must be taken . In addition , the advantages of e - mail than regular mail but can send messages in the form of text (text ) is also able to send a message inserts ( Attachment ) a sound file , video , images and so forth .
    Mailing List , namely the development of the e - mail in the form of subscription news or information sent through e - mail . Someone who already have an e - mail to subscribe to news or information on a particular topic . For this purpose, the recipient's e - mail will need to register to the provider who will spread the news that his e-mail address listed on the list to be sent a message .
    News Group or Network News or BBS ( Bulletin Board Service ) , the application of the Internet in the form of Electronic Bulletin Boardatau facility that allows us joined together and each group discuss certain topics appropriate .
    File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) , the service allows Internet users to upload ( save / upload ) or activities of transferring files from one computer and download web server ( take / download ) or activity retrieve files from a web server and transfer files from your computer or to other computers .
    Telnet remote login that is , is the facility to access another computer remotely . With this facility , for example, we are located in the city can control computer located in the city of Bandung .
    Information Browsingyaitu Gopher , is the facility to find information on the Internet in the form of text-based menus . Gopher weakness can only display limited menus in writing .
    Advanced Browsing the WWW ( World Wide Web ) , a collection of documents that are stored on a web server in the form of HTML . Users can easily find information on the Internet is not just in writing , but the graphics , sound and interrelated videoyang using links so called hypermedia .
    Automatic Title Search , that Archie and Veronica , is the search of information on the Internet by typing the tittle ( title ) topics .
    Automatic Content Search , the WAIS ( Wide Area Information System) , is the automated information retrieval facility to examine the contents of the documents were found .
    Two-way communication services , namely chat : can send and receive messages in the form of text , audio communication : can send and receive messages in the form of voice , video call : can send and receive messages with images and sound in realtime and teleconference : two-way multimedia communication so allows us as if doing a direct meeting or conference in a room without a limited distance .

facilities in the Internet


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