How Easy to make CD / DVD image ISO
Make the shift to storage / Backup Data from one place to another has become routine even for computer users need wherever and whoever they certainly often do. However, the data transfer is not always well done if you use the standard way as Copy Paste / Cut Paste files in general, what types of data are vulnerable to corrupt.In this case, we will talk about a data CD / DVD either the CD Driver, OS, Games, Software, Movie etc.. Allocate transfer of data from the regular file form takes up more space, a little more safe and can easily be reused at any time. In accordance with the title of the post only discusses Creating a CD / DVD image files ending with Iso easily limit case of this tutorial.
Before going into the work process, there are preparations you should take note and follow. Recommendations from this I certainly appropriate title for the results and hope you are easy and do not regret it after you read the article here. Preparations for Creating ISO File is sure software / application you are in accordance with the tutor and recommendation here is Using UltraISO Software.
Steps to Create an ISO File - Option I:
1. Insert CD / DVD into the laptop / your company as an example I use the CD Driver.
2. Open Application UltraISO. Select the File menu and then Open the CD / DVD. Once open let the process of adding the file is complete. See the following figure.
3. When finished select Tools> Make CD / DVD image ... (F8), select Output FileName / placement will be saved Iso File> Make button let the process to complete. See the process as shown below
4. If you want to see results and its Iso ISO data content of the above process after the process is completed (CD / DVD Image Duplicate OK!) Select Yes, if not No. - Done!. As shown below.
Steps to Create an ISO File - Option II:
1. Follow step No.. 2 in Option I.
2. Select the File menu and then Save As> select the storage location and file type using the file extension is ISO. Look like picture
Is a tutorial that I can share on this occasion. Hopefully other times when I can come back again with a new case and other related Computer Science, & Tricks and Tips. Enjoy!!!
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