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The occurrence of a world called the Internet is very complex . How not , all people in the world want to be served in a practical communication requests , in a relatively short time with various forms of data formats . Of course that all requests can be served required a complex system of rules anyway . The workings of the Internet is set in a series of regulations and standards called protocols . To understand how the Internet works we must first understand how the protocol works .

Protocol used on the Internet is called TCP / IP . TCP / IP is that control , regulate , or allow a relationship , communication , transfer of data between two or more computer points ( nodes ) . TCP / IP has layers ( layer ) that each layer have respective roles in regulating the traffic of data packets to be transmitted properly without being damaged or lost . The data packet must come from a diverse network of different computers , different devices , all sorts different.In the distance of these differences, along with the number of users throughout the world , you can imagine how extraordinarily complex instead ? . Here's a little review about the layers of the TCP / IP :

1 . Application Layer

Application Layer ( Application Layer ) acts as an interface between the user and the system , so that users can easily use the Internet without any detail bothered management systems and complex data transmission . This has particular application layer protocols such as hypertext transfer protocol ( HTTP ) , email , chat , or file transfer protocol ( FTP ) , etc. , which communicates with the next layer below .

2 . Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP ) Layer

This layer is located between the layer and the application layer Internet protocol ( IP ) . Layer serves to receive and direct data to specific applications using port numbers .

3 . Internet Protocol ( IP ) Layer

The main task of this layer is to provide the identification of the machine on the network . Identification is required of each house like an address that is unique / different because every home is located in a different place , sure to send packets to destination required that exact address . Internet protocol is used to provide different addresses on each network device .

4 . hardware Layer

Hardware Layer ( hardware layer ) conformed to the name serves to physically connect the computer to a data transmission medium . The transmission media can be telephone lines , cellular networks or satellite connections . This layer includes a modem , ethernet card and hardware are directly connected with the process of data transmission . This layer also plays a role in translating digital signals in the form of binary numbers that can be understood by a computer into analog signals that can be transmitted over telephone lines and vice versa if necessary .

Communication in order to function properly and that data can be sent from the sender's computer to the destination computer accurately , the Internet also require a tracking system ( routing ) and addressing . Imagine , we certainly can not send anything without knowing the recipient's address . Therefore , any computer connected to the Internet has an address that uniquely describes the computer . This means that each computer has a different address . The address is called the IP Address . As described earlier , the TCP / IP layer of the Internet Protocol ( IP ) layer which is tasked to provide IP Address to each computer / network machine . IP Adress is a row of binary digits ( binary digit is a number that is only made ​​up of the numbers 0 and 1 ) between 32 - bit to 128 - bit is used to identify each host computer in a network the Internet . IP addressing system is composed of two types , ie IPv4 and IPv6 . Examples of IP Adress is 121 243 222 123 ( IPv4 ) and 2001 : E00 : d : 10:3:140:83 ( IPv6 ) .

IP Adress is generally difficult because the human mind , the Internet network also uses a naming system so that the computer computer name ( domain name / host name ) into the form of words or phrases . Words or phrases such as " " certainly easier to remember than the IP Address row of numbers like " 121 243 222 123 " . A system that stores information about the host or domain name of the computer in the form of databases scattered (distributed database ) is called the Domain Name System ( DNS ) . DNS provides a very important service for the Internet . Function of DNS can be considered such as Internet phone book , wherein when the user type " " ​​on the browser , the user will be redirected to the IP address ( IPv4 ) and 2001 : E00 : d : 10:3:140:83 ( IPv6 ) .

A user's computer ( client computer) to be connected to the Internet network , was originally to be connected to pilot server . A server will manage access and transmit data from and into the Internet requested by some client , so the client computer can access the various facilities available on the Internet such as web , chat , email , and so forth .

When someone sends data via the Internet , let's say that the user - A and user - Bmerupakan each user's Internet network ( see Figure 1 ) . A user - use Internet service with a browser . When running the browser , user - A only communicate directly with the application layer . His actions delivered through the application layer in the TCP layer . TCP layer communicates with the IP layer , then a layer of IP related to the hardware . Along with the passing of all that , each protocol with the system set up so that each layer to function in a proper way . For later data or requests from the user - A - B is sent to the user , via the user - framework Internet.Pada when A sends data to the user in the form of text - B , TCP / IP started working . TCP divides the text into small data packets , add some information ( can be considered as the delivery of goods ) , so the computer as a user - B receiver ensures that the package he received no damage during shipping and reassembling the packets into the composition of such texts original . Imagine how extraordinary the Internet works , that all these complex processes can be carried out only in a matter of seconds . And we just enjoy the results without the need to think about processes J.



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