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How to Improve Computer Speed

How to Improve Computer Speed

Tips to Improve Computer Performance are tricks and tips on caring for the electronic computer  Personal Computer (PC) or portable desktop OS like Windows Xp Laptop. PC users will see the constraint on the table (desktop) as well as with portable PCs when the personal computer is often used without regular maintenance, usually occurs for the user's friends may not really know with this personal computing devices, neglected and eventually moldy. Now even basic people will quickly understand if faced with any computers that name was kind'm sure a few people still do not know what a computer is in general, what should be required in the maintenance, security and other article of computers today can be said as need food and clothing.
How to Improve Computer Speed
As in the title tips here I'm going to submit so easily to be understood even for ordinary people but have a computer . Many ways to improve computer performance seen from the Operating System used in this case is XP is very easy to find . Basically the same as other OS while it is within the scope of Windows that differentiate normally only theme , feature , tool layout , navigation , prestige and if we use a type of application or software program help to maintain the performance of your computer in order to remain in a stable state . In addition to the above difference is still a lot , do not suport a lot of the same old school programs also said the fact that the new Windows OS like Windows 7 at this time and now Windows 8 has been largely ignored in the scope of the Company's office as a business tool they prefer Xp .

There are 5 tips that I have described here and want to be able to use his 3rd ok again so much rarity very easy and not complicated to make , based on the existing reference implementations for Laptop old school once I got the results wow ok buddy ! Here is How to Improve Computer Performance / Laptop For Win XP

1 . Setting System Properties
Click the Start menu located on the left corner of the desktop ( default position) right click My Computer - > Properties - > Select the Advanced menu - > In the Performance section click on settings - > Visual effects select Adjust for best performance . If you still want to use the default XP visual effects leaving only the following 3 options there are still kind of visual effects you can use :

    Use visual styles on windows and buttons
    Smooth edges of screen fonts
    Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop ( if the program shortcut / desktop icon displayed )

You also can choose another still may be curious , I ignore advice except 3 because seen from the above options are not so important functions and rarely used .

2 . Using Autoruns Windows
As I have said above of the many ways such software tools is still a reliable choice . With the software you can very detailed information about programs can be activated automatically with windows when companies start up ! participate busy partying with you to make full computer memory as a result more and more automation programs during start up Computer Memory will be eaten so heavy . Of the many programs that have an active little one important role Antivir rest is not necessary .

For simplicity here I recommend you type automatic program / ​​entry which can be disabled autoruns Sotfware Free Download Autoruns v11.34 Windows first. The program is very small and lightweight than the types of Autoruns program is portable easy to use . How to use Autoruns double- click the application and select the Logon menu will be visible in the list box data entry program on your computer is active Unceklis following program is not important .

    Adobe ARM ( Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager )
    Alcmtr ( Realtek Azalia Audio - Event Monitor )
    Azmixersel ( Azalia Mixer Selector )
    RTHDCPL ( Realtek HD Audio Control Panel )
    SynTPEnh ( Synaptics TouchPad Enhancement )
    Install additional programs that are rarely used , could be like Yahoo! Messenger and others.

It is a list of programs that I can recommend to you views of the function and its activities are not so important for personal computers .

    Note :
    You can still explore on every menu but try not to fiddle fiddle with if you do not know the advice I find out first of all the function of each program there but if this type of program you can still install additional Uncheck except 2 and exsplorer userinit.exe program . exe

3 . Disable Indexing Service
Judging from the activity function Indexing Service program on the computer quite a lot of memory if the data file using the computer more and more eat the more computer memory consuming programs . For those of you who rarely use the Find / find better disable it because when viewed from the activities program that constantly updates a list of files on a regular basis so do not be surprised if the company is getting slow , here's how to disable it :

    Click the Start button select Control Panel - > Double click Add or Remove Programs
    Select Add / Remove Windows Components - > Indexing Service - > Click the Next button
    Wait for it to finish , restart the company if asked - done .

4 . Use Antivirus
Next use or Install Antivirus with startup volume is not too large and can eradicate malware , many types of Antivirus either locally or outside that you can use but before that you have to adjust to the needs and capabilities of computer performance and the views from computer speksifikasi size / volume of the antivir startup is used . For those of you who are interested in the option I use please Antivirus Free Download Avast Pro Plus License Avast ! Antivir is the reason I chose the first work of the nation , not just the ability to detect the virus is not specially like the global antivirus antivirus in general than the startup Antivurus size is not that big and does not consume a lot of memory .

5 . Use / Install CCleaner
Final cleaning program CCleaner is good you use the / Install . Function of CCleaner is a cleaning device damaged files , not important or corrupt ( junk files ) on the system . Not a few people know bahwasannya disistem it would save a lot of waste due to user activity to do after uninstalling the program , plus Delete without the Shift key , a cookie , history ( Online Program Information / site ) and so if left just as garbage and make bestatus heavy computer but will result in a virus if left long . The software can already here you can Download Free CCleaner Latest Version 3:24

Lots of tips to improve the performance of the computer to stay stable over how observant you are looking for information related to computer security or maintenance that does not lead to improvements that may be needed for the cost of the actual repair company can still be minimized and handled himself . Insha Allah you will encounter here about Tricks and Tips on the computer next to the post-post today so I used both ends meet and thank you

how easy to improve computer performance


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